Go and Proclaim Ministries South Africa
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Pray 2024

Our Prayer Focusses for 2024
•January - Education
•February - Marriages
Praying for a Friend’s Marriage
3 Prayers to Pray With Your Spouse

•March - Passover (The Death of Christ)
•April - Pentecost (The Holy Spirit)
•May - National Government
•June - Our Youth
•July - Globel Outreaches
•August - Women
•September - Our Christian Heritage
•October - The Market Place
•November - The Persecuted Church
•December - The Birth of Christ

Visit our Prayer for Revival Page here for weekly and monthly prayer guidelines.

2024 Prayer Global Prayer Initiatives You Can Join

"7 Days on the Wall"

"The 7 Days on the Wall initiative was birthed at the World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia, 2012 when about 9,000 delegates from more than 60 nations gathered to pray for the nations of the world. Since the beginning of 2013, an estimated 5,000 local churches, schools and different groups in South Africa have each taken at least one week per year to pray for spiritual awakening, social justice, and the unsaved in their churches and communities." - Jericho Walls International Prayer Network 

You can do it on your own or sign up with others: 

1. Start planning early by inviting representatives from various churches/groups to pray/plan together.
2. Set up a WhatsApp group or "Prayer Room" and invite different churches/groups to participate. 
3. Draw up a 24/7 Prayer Schedule and start by looking for 24 individuals to pray one hour per day for the week.
4. Have active WhatsApp groups for every church/group participating, running for the week of prayer only.
5. After the first week, make time for corporate thanksgiving. You can also organize a prayer gathering with people from the community, as part of the United Prayer for South Africa initiative.
6. Immediately start planning the next week of prayer, not to lose momentum towards the next 7-day “Cycle”. 

Download the "7 Days on the Wall" general prayer guide here
Visit our "7 Days on the Wall" page here
Visit the JWIPN "7 Days on the Wall" page here

Resources on Prayer in English

There are tons of prayer resources out there. These are just a few that can help you in your personal prayer life.

Hulpbronne oor Gebed in Afrikaans